Connect Online

EA Online Connections
for Disabled UUs

May 2024

This month, EqUUal Access adopts the theme “Loving Our Own Bones

Tuesday May 7@ 3:00 PM Eastern:  Theme Chat
Our theme this month comes from the title of the new book by Rabbi Dr. Julia Watts Belser, this year’s Ware Lecturer at General Assembly.  Some ideas to spark your thinking: What are ways we have felt loved or included (or not) in different spaces? What’s it like when we draw meaning from our experiences as a sacred text? What happens when we are loving our own bones?
With facilitator: Rev. Suzanne Fast
Connection Link: Theme Chat
Thursday May 16@ 8:00 PM Eastern: OASIS – a spiritual gathering for disabled UUs 
EqUUal Access worship leaders this month: Rev. Suzanne Fast and Elizabeth Foster
Connection Link: Oasis
Craft & Chat — Check back later for information
With facilitator TBA
Bring a project to work on (or not) to this informal gathering
Connection Link: TBA

Online Connections
Community Guidelines

Our  Community Guidelines apply to all our Online Connection spaces. By being in these spaces, you agree to the Guidelines.


Note: Pastoral Conversations Now Available by Appointment

These are challenging, often difficult times.  Stress, anxiety, worry, fear, difficulty sleeping or eating, and emotions that can overwhelm, these are what many people, including UUs with disabilities, are experiencing in response to immensely hard new realities.

Pastoral Conversation appointments are available with Rev. Barbara Meyers.

To schedule an appointment with Rev. Barbara please complete this request form:  Request an appointment with Rev Barbara for pastoral conversation.


What to expect
at EA Online Connections

Our intention is to create disabled space, by and for disabled Unitarian Universalists (and UU-adjacent disabled folx). By being in our online connection spaces, you are agreeing to follow our Community Guidelines.

All of our spaces are cross disability communities. We are always working to meet lots of access needs. Sometimes specific access needs are in direct conflict with other access needs. We try to create the most access possible for as many disabled folx attending as possible.

  • Please keep your microphone turned off unless you are sharing. We share one person at a time. This is an access need for many folx. Meeting hosts may turn off your microphone or camera as needed for access.
  • You may turn your camera off for any reason. If you turn your camera on while you are speaking, many of us will hear you better.
  • All our connection sessions have captions available (unless there is a technological glitch at that time).

We post our Monthly theme and the connection links here the first week of the month. Our monthly email usually has more about the theme, and is sent the first week of the month (you can subscribe using the link above).

While each session varies from month to month, some patterns have evolved:

The Tuesday theme chat is an opportunity to talk about that month’s theme. Everyone may be encouraged to introduce themselves, and the host will usually begin the discussion with some thoughts on the theme. Sometimes the conversation roams a bit. Usually this is on the first Tuesday of the month.

Oasis on Thursday evening is a spiritual gathering reflecting the month’s theme. It tends toward an intimate style, though sometimes it is more formal. There are usually times for sharing during the service, and sometimes there can be long pauses to allow thoughts to bubble up. There is no expectation or obligation to share at these times. Your presence is participation enough. Please arrive on time; connect before the service begins at 8:00 pm Eastern — later arrivals will be admitted from the waiting room when the evening’s order of service permits. Usually this is on the third Thursday of the month.

Friday Craft & Chat is a time for informal chatting. Many participants will be working on a craft project, but that is always optional. Usually this is on the third Friday of the month.