Day of Mourning

Resources for the international Day of Mourning March 1""

More than 650 disabled people have been killed by their family or caregivers in the last five years. Usually, the media are quick to erase their humanity and justify their murder.  The Day of Mourning is a time to remember them and to demand justice for disabled people.  Vigils to commemorate this day have been held around the country since 2012, led by the Autistic Self-Advocacy Network and other organizations of disabled people.

There are many ways to participate.  Is there a vigil scheduled in our community?  How could our congregation organize one?  Could we honor this through our social media? What about participating in the national on-line vigil?

2022 Resources

UPLIFT: Uplifting the LGBTQ+ Experience Within Unitarian Universalism and Beyond published a newsletter for this year’s Day of Mourning. It includes new reflections from disabled UUs Jessi Sadaka, Heather Petit, and the Reverend Molly Brewer, and from UUA Co-Moderator the Reverend Meg Riley, with an introduction by the Reverend Suzanne Fast.  With newly updated graphics from Meredith Plummer and Alison Carville.  Also includes links to anti-filicide and anti-ableism resources beyond Unitarian Universalism.

The graphics in the UPLIFT newsletter are part of a series of newly updated Day of Mourning images suitable for use on social media from Meredith Plummer and Alison Carville.  The full suite of images are free to share.

Earlier Resources

Created in 2016 and last updated in 2018 :  EqUUal Access has a toolkit to help.  Day of Mourning Toolkit for UU Congregations